Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Jean Stothert, Hispanics, and the Future of the GOP

The Barking RINO                                                               Essay Five
Hispanics and the Future of the GOP

In the 1970’s and 80’s conservative white Southern Democrats migrated over to the GOP. Among the many reason for the move, a prime impetus was Northern liberals aligning with the GOP to push for civil rights. (Zelizer, 2004) By not relying on population as the means to draw up Congressional districts, Southern conservative Democrats diluted voter blocs in order to maintain ‘safe seats’ and thereby cling to seniority and thus power in Congress. In 1962 the U.S. Supreme Court case, ‘Baker v. Carr,’ the court ordered districts be drawn based upon population. (See: Wesberry v.Sanders, 1964) This finding would result in urban votes having the same strength as rural votes. In 1965 the Voting Rights Act was passed to further enfranchise Americans whose vote had historically been marginalized by procedural maneuvers. The long term result was that although African-Americans remained marginal voters, they voted Democrat.

When Jean Stothert soundly defeated Jim Suttle to become Omaha’s next mayor, she handily won a majority of the Ward 4 or Hispanic South Omaha by taking nearly 57% of the votes. Of the three precincts that were lost, the tallys were 49.1%, 48.1% and 42.5%.

According to the non-partisan research center PEW, only 24% of registered voters are Republicans. (Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years, 2012) This means the Republican base is no longer sufficient to elect a president. (The Hispanic Challenge and Opportunities for Republicans, 2012)
Racial fertility rates indicate that there will be no majority race in America by 2050. A fertility rate of 2.2 is required to maintain a population. Currently Euro-American (white non-Hispanic) fertility rates are 1.8. The highest fertility rates are Hispanics at 2.4. While all immigrants represent 13% of the American population, their fertility rate represents 23% of American births. (U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants, 2012)

In short, a GOP that clings to the language of fear and race (See voter ID) over the pragmatic pursuit of winning elections is destine for the dustbin of history.

Party Registration by Race

white trend
black trend
hispanic trend

North American has always been a nation of immigrants. From the Mongolian land-bridge that brought Native Americans here 10,000 years ago to groups that arrive daily. The expectation of all immigrants is learn the language, learn the norms, assimilate into the Middle Class and pay your taxes. When South High School’s soccer team recently raised the Mexican flag at their victory, is that so different than the Shamrocks and fervent celebration by Irish-Americans of St. Patrick’s Day or Omaha’s St. Stanislaus Polish Festival?
If the contemporary GOP wants to remain viable and win elections then it must be inclusive. The recent RNC report, ‘Growth & Opportunity Project’ list 15 steps to reach out to Hispanics which should, based upon shared value systems, fit comfortably within the GOP; although some disagree. (Williams, 2013) Perhaps most important is how the GOP conducts itself during the forthcoming Immigration Reform negotiations. Specifically, the Party needs to employ intelligent use of language while holding to the value of support for legal immigration.

What’s clear is that table turning lessons of the Civil Rights movement and the eventual transition of Southern Conservatives into the GOP are before us again. Will we acknowledge history and learn from it? Or will we choose race over our shared values thus handing an insurmountable advantage to liberal ideology?

The Administration of Mayor Jean Stothert has the opportunity to reach-out to Hispanic South Omaha and solidify support for the Nebraska GOP which is based upon the shared values of equality, strong families, religion, entrepreneurialism, legal immigration, fiscally conservative taxes and government expenditures, life and women’s rights (Women are the more active Hispanic voter.) Stothert received these votes in May and now has the precious opportunity to earn them for the future. By ramping down hurtful rhetoric and pursuing a long term relationship, Republicans have an opportunity to build a lasting coalition that bridges the present to a future of winning elections and growing individual freedom for all Americans, native-born or naturalized. (Jordan, 2013) (Kagan, 2013)

Works Cited

Center for Disease Control. (2010). Births - Final Data for 2010. Retrieved from National Vital Statistics Report: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_01.pdf
GOP Seen as Principled, But Out of Touch and Too Extreme. (2013, February 26th ). Retrieved from Pew Research: http://www.people-press.org/2013/02/26/gop-seen-as-principled-but-out-of-touch-and-too-extreme/
(2013). Growth & Opportunity Project. Washington D.C. : The Republican National Committee.
Jordan, J. (2013, June 10). Tea Partiers to Omahas New GOP Mayor. Retrieved from Nebraska Watchdog : http://watchdog.org/88313/tea-partiers-to-omahas-new-gop-mayor-make-bold-budget-cuts-big-changes/
Kagan, D. (2013). Illegal Aliens - What do they Cost, What Can We Do. Retrieved from Nebraska Tax Payers for Freedom: http://netaxpayers.org/alerts/illegal-aliens-what-do-they-cost-what-can-we-do
Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years. (2012, June 4). Retrieved from PEW Research: http://www.people-press.org/2012/06/04/section-9-trends-in-party-affiliation/
The Hispanic Challenge and Opportunities for Republicans. (2012, December 12). Retrieved from Resurgent Republic: http://www.resurgentrepublic.com/research/the-hispanic-challenge-and-opportunity-for-republicans
Total Fertility Rate by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1980 to 2008. (2010). Retrieved from United States Census Bureau: http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0083.pdf
U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants. (2012, November 29). Retrieved from PEW Research: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/11/29/u-s-birth-rate-falls-to-a-record-low-decline-is-greatest-among-immigrants/
Williams, J. (2013, February 11). Opinion: GOP image toxic with Hispanics. Retrieved from The Hill: http://thehill.com/opinion/columnists/juan-williams/282145-opinion-gop-image-toxic-with-hispanics-
Zelizer, J. E. (2004). On Capitol Hill- the struggle to reform Congress and its consequences, 1948 - 2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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