Friday, November 10, 2023

A New Rider in the Horse Race of Modern Politics


                                                              (Keb Mo, Put a Woman in Charge)

Described as ‘the election nobody wants,’ polling and election results point to voter dissatisfaction with both political parties and the choices being offered. Harvard-Harris polling shows that 68% of Democrats, 57% of Republicans, and 78% of Independents don’t want to vote for Mr. Trump or President Biden. Simply, the majority of voters are watching the horizon for a white horse candidate. In fact, American political history is rife with dark horse winners including Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Nebraska's own Senator Deb Fischer.

Way back when, in the beginning of time, Man made the fire then the wheel. Went from a horse to an automobile, he said, "the world is mine." He took the oceans and the sky, he set the borders, built the walls, he won't stop 'til he owns it all.                                

Voter support for abortion rights in Ohio highlights voter dissatisfaction. Polling indicates that between 61% (Pew) to 85% (Gallup) of voters support some form of legal access to abortion. And, as we’ve seen, voters in Ohio, New York, Maryland, Kansas, California, Michigan, Vermont, Kentucky, and Montana, really, really mean it. In 2024 Republican candidates will shy away from abortion.

So what?

News junkies across the political spectrum were stunned when former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley received a rousing applause during the 3rd Republican Presidential debate last week for forging a moderate approach to abortion. While the others on stage, supposed small government and state’s rights candidates advocated for a national law on restricting abortion, Haley took a pragmatic approach and spoke of consensus, mutual respect, and a word rarely used anymore, compromise.

“Let’s find consensus,” she said, “We don’t need to divide America over this issue anymore…Let’s bring people together and decide what we can agree on.” The former Governor added, “As much as I’m pro-life, I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, and I don’t want them to judge me for being pro-life.”

Haley’s comments indicate a willingness to take a pragmatic, real-world, solution-seeking approach to the complex issues dividing Americans. Rather than falling back on party dogma, she presented a fresh idea that could allow her to break out of the pack. In an era where compromise is often four letter word, Haley proposed the path of tolerance; acknowledging ideological diversity, and the importance of civil public debate.

For too long now, political extremism, in the guise of an unwillingness to compromise and include the views of others, has shut down important and necessary discussions like immigration, fiscal responsibility, healthcare policies, and America’s role in an increasingly complex world. Most importantly, Haley had the character and the courage to very publicly stand up and speak out when too many others have been caving in to party bullies.

Enough is enough is enough is enough. I know the answer, put a woman in charge

In a word, perhaps, just perhaps, the white horse of hope for so many, a reasonable candidate they can vote for rather than against, will ride in as a political dark horse and return national politics to healthy public debate where reason triumphs over vitriol. In a race filled with old nags and hobbled horses, it only makes horse sense to give Nikki Haley another view in her race for the roses.

Character is more important the policy. A friend told me “I can’t stand the idea of another four years of suffering and people being afraid…Haley has taken everything the others have thrown at her yet she’s strong without being extreme.”

It’s still too early to say but it may be time to put a woman in the winner’s circle.

The time has come, we've got to turn this world around. Call the mothers, call the daughters: we need the sisters of mercy now. She'll be a hero, not a fool. She's got the power, to change the rules. She's got something that men don't have, she is kind and she understands. Put a woman in charge.